Starting Out?
So you've finished education?
And now it's time to find a job and pay your way, save for something or somewhere? Daunting?
Writing a CV or knowing how can be scary if you've not done it before..... so plan ahead. Find resources that help, work with friends and share ideas.
Download CV's from a site - there are thousands to choose from. You can see others online and put your own spin and personalisation to them. Try this site

Choose a career!
Easier said than done? If you're not sure then look at careers sites, speak to a recruitment consultant or college or school tutors.
#hashtags on social media can help and using sites like LinkedIn to get your profile going can help you grow your network.
What you start with may not be your long term career - explore thoughts and ideas..
top Interview Tips
#1 Do your homework - It looks smart if you know about the people you want to work for. What does the company do? Who is the boss? What are they passionate about?
2# Dress well - appropriate to the business you will work in. If your not sure ask before you go.
#3 Spend time beforehand thinking about your achievements, at school, sport or volunteering for example. Make notes - take in prompt cards if you want to that remind you of your best answers!
#4 Be yourself - Easier said than done! But smile, be honest, polite and charming. Practice - take a video beforehand of you practising! It helps - and don't forget people want to see the real you.
#5 Take your time - keep the pace natural , always answer the question you're asked - and don't be afraid to pause and ask them to repeat if you lose your way in the answer.
And ask family members for advice - we've nearly all had experience that could help.